Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), M. Colman (Vice Chair), D. Creed, M. Heal,  J. Gane, T. Holley, A. Creed and two parishoners.

There were Nil Declarations of Interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Matters arising from the last minutes.

Clerk reported we now have bookings for the second Monday of the month - thus far - 11th March and 8th April.

Vehicles parking on double yellow lines at foot of Church Lane during school times.

Clerk to request signage.


Temporary Road Closure - Coursing Batch, Glastonbury ttro87981OE 3rd March 09.30 - 15.30 HRS for National Grid to carry out tree trimming.

Footpath Diversion Order WS14/47 (part) Woodlands Farm/Woodlands/Ruggs Hill has been approved (Somerset Council).

Temporary Closure of Footpaths SM9/1 and WS 14/50 (Vicinity of Coombe Lea Farm,/Withial Farm/Washing Stones area) due to unsafe bridge until 30th July 2024.

Correspondence File circulated - No further action at this time.

Precept - Confirmation our submission has been received (Somerset Council).


  1. Change of Use as Holiday Cottage to ancillary guest accommodation for purposes ancillary to the residential use/Woodbine Farm/Sticklynch/Planning Red 2024/0098/FUL - Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.
  2. Change of Use of Part of Garden to Tourism, Siting of 2 Timber Cabins for Tourism Use and Creation of Parking Area (retrospective) (Amended Plans received 16.01.24)/Mistletoe Cottage/2, The Dingle/Stockbridge Lane to Steanbow/Planning Ref 2023/0178/FUL - Proposed, seconded and passed - To be decided by Planning Officer.  West Pennard Parish Council acknowledge any changes but these only apply to points 1 and 2 of our previous comments and do not address points 8 (Access, Highway safety), Inadequate parking and servicing (9), Noise and disturbance from the scheme (10), Flood Risk (11), Objections from neighbours (as per letters) and additionally the very nature of the planning being retrospective.  Three cabins were already in situ and it would appear this now stands at two.
  3. Proposed two storey Extension over ground floor/The Beacons/Newtown Lane/Planning Ref 2024/0170/HSE - Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.

Highways Matters.

Clerk to report blocked drain by Hillside houses, Southtown Lane.


Cllr Colman reported she will be standing down as parish councillor at the March Meeting.  The Chair,  councillors and Clerk thanked her for her many years of service.  Marion retains her position as school governor and would like the parish council to consult her as and when needed.

Date of next Parish Council meeting will be Monday 11th March - Notice of Meeting and Agenda in due course.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.