Present: G. Willcox (Chair), D. Creed, J. Gane, T. Holley, A. Creed and eight parishoners.
Apologies: M. Heal.
There were Nil Declarations of Interest.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.
In Memorium to Parish Councillor John Green.
Mr. J. Green has sadly passed away.
John was a Parish Councillor for forty two years, serving unstintingly from 1972 to 2014. John also Chaired from 1999 to 2003.
John was much respected by fellow councillors past and present, clerk, in business and of course by his loving family.
Our thoughts are very much with his wife Mary and family.
Public Speaking-time:-
Objections raised as to Planning No 2 - Demolition of and Erection of Replacement Poultry Buildings and Associated Infrastructure/Chapel Farm/Bradley Way/Planning Ref 2024/2315/FUL.
1. Increase x 3 of buildings and poultry and ultimately the number of lorries bringing building supplies, deliveries and collections thereafter. N.B. At present six-wheeler vehicles deliver daily and are the full width of the road.
2. Visual Impact - Silos 30' high.
3. Road access - narrow country lane prone to flooding. N.B. Lorries using lane drive on verges and numbers will increase during construction and future deliveries.
4. Environmental pollution into waterways.
5. Noise levels - Air conditioning etc.
6. Twelve residential properties living close by would be adversely affected (as above).
7. Construction on a flat surface would require digging into the hill.
Concern raised re the siting of residential caravans and 8 wheelie-bins in situ giving a clear indication of habitation.
The above initially reported on 10.12.24.
Clerk to contact Planning Enforcement , Somerset Council.
Matters arising from the last Minutes.
- Blocked drain outside Inistor, Southtown Lane - Highways Team inspected and reported the problem is not big enough to plan work to fix it at this time, will continue to monitor it but it may be an extended time before it can be fixed.
- Pothole between The Owls and Farthings Farm/Court Barn Lane - Highways team inspected and risk assessed the pothole but have not found a safety defect, a safety defect being a road to be unsafe in accordance with national guidlines.
Mendip Local Plan Part II - Limited Update - Hearing Sessions, Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet 11.00 AM from Tuesday 11th March to Friday 14th March 2025.
Dates of Webinars - Adult Social Care, Somerset Council, Sarah Skeet, Strategic Manager.
12th February 6.30PM - 7.15PM - Navigating Direct Payments.
7.15PM - 8PM - Supporting the Armed Forces community in Somerset.
27th February 6.30PM - 7.15PM - Personalised Community Support for Carers in Somerset.
7.15 - 8PM - Understanding how Adult Social Care Works.
Temporary Road Closures as at westpennard.org.uk and Parish Council Noticeboard (Village Hall).
Woodlands Road - 11.02.25, 09.00 HrRS- 15.00 HRS for Jetting works.
'Step, Ride, Thrive' an Avalon and Poldens LCN pilot project to provide additional public transport along with active travel opportunities to the Avalon Marshes and the Flood Warden Newsletter Winter 2024-5 were circulated.
Cheque drawn for £120.00, Murfdog, Additions to website, adding news items and restructuring front page to accommodate them.
Form for applicants to apply for GFL monies - email received 10.02.24 - Cllr Holley has submitted to Mr. Cowen for inclusion on the website.
- NOTIFICATION ONLY - Application for prior notification of Agricultural Development for a proposed building/Land at 356369 139664 /Stockbridge Lane to Steanbow. N.B. The decision for this application is delegated to Officers.
- Demolition of and Erection of Replacement Poultry Buildings and Associated Infrastructure/Chapel Farm/Bradley Way/Planning Ref 2024/2315/FUL.
One Councillor abstained from voting.
Objections to the Planning Application as listed above.
Highways Matters:-
Drainpipes clearly visible three quarter's of the way up Stickleball Lane.
To be reported to Highways.
Cllr A. Creed reported having attended Flooding meetings at Baltonsborough on behalf of West Pennard.
Funding is available to plant trees/dig ponds/provide a 'flood shed' with equipment - but not for dredging etc which is what is actually needed.
Maintenance of the waterways was not addressed.
A.O.B. Parishoner present expressed an interest in becoming a parish councillor - will attend next parish council meeting on Monday March 3rd.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.
- Minutes of Meeting 10.02.25
- Temporary Road Closure ttro 100759E - Redlands Farm to Prestleigh Road, Evercreech, 16th March, 08.00-16.00.
- Temporary Road Closure, Woodlands Road - Change of Date:- 11th February 2025, 09.00 to 15.00 Hrs for Jetting purposes.
- Urgent Road Closure, Whitstone Hill, Pilton from 27.01.25 to 30.01.25 between 09.30 and 15.30 Hrs for Kier to carry out jetting and CCTV works/Somerset Highways.
- In Memorium to Parish Councillor John Green.
- Further January Road Closures (Temporary)
- Minutes of Meeting 13.01.25
- Notice of Emergency Road Closure, Whitstone Hill, Pilton, 8th-10th January 2025.
- Minutes of Meeting 09.12.24