Present: G. Willcox (Chair), D. Creed, J. Gane, M. Heal, A. Creed and T. Holley.
There were Nil Declarations of Interest.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.
Matters arising from the last minutes.
Discussion as to the distribution of funds from GFL as per last Minutes.
A formal Application will be formulated for any interested parties to apply. This to be carried to January meeting 2025 to proceed from there with notices in 'News and Views' parishes magazine, website and noticeboard.
It was proposed, seconded and passed a set sum of money is 'ring-fenced' for our three main bodies - the school, church and village hall.
This method gives everyone the opportunity to apply.
Successful applicants will be decided by the parish council.
Roads reported at the last meeting which have been repaired- Pothole outside of 'The Owls', Scotts Lane and Pothole opposite The Cider barn Residential Home, A361,.
Press Release - Revised Expression of Interest in devolution by Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire Councils. by leaders of Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire Councils.
To precis - these councils have revised their 'expression of interest in devolution by committing to a Mayoral Combined Authority for the 'Heart of Wessex' region to unlock significant opportunities for communities through local empowerment and collaboration.
This is not a merger of the three counties. All three will remain separate. Devolution is the handing-down of powers and decision making from central government to new 'local partnership' areas.
Central government has made it clear all devolution deals will end up with 'Mayoral Combined Authorities'.
Ultimately this will help secure better funding deals for our region.
The proposal ensures clear, accountable leadership to drive economic growth, improve services and invest in vital infrastructure across the region working closely with the leaders of constituent councils.
The 'Heart of Wessex ' encompasses a region of significant potential and the devolution at scale can support ambitions to ensure local economy thrives and is supported by a skilled, secure and well-paid workforce. Mayoral devolution also offers the opportunity to develop a long-term investment plan for the critical infrastructure the counties need with the ability to bring in additional private sector investment.
It has been made clear the strong desire to be considered in the first tranche of devolution deals, recognising the commitment of the councils to lead change in local government and move forward as swiftly as possible.
With a population of approximately 1.5 million it is believed the 'Heart of Wessex' presents a realistic and ambitious offer which can redefine local decision making and partnership, offering the government an opportunity to showcase what devolution can offer.
Once an outline of proposals has been agreed with central government it will be shared with residents to have feedback as part of a formal consultation.
If the proposal is approved Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire councils will continue to exist and have the same responsibilities as they do now.
The Environment Agency 'Recent Flooding' information can be found at and on the village hall noticeboard.
Enhanced Highway Maintenance Scheme, Avalon and Poldens Highways Working Group Report November 2024.
The scheme is a pilot agreement between Kier and Somerset Council (SC).
Whilst Kier have taken over the highways maintenance contract for Somerset Highways and will be delivering statutory maintenance for SC the above EHMS is an additional service whereby parish councils can contract Kier to deliver highways and maintenance services above and beyond those statutorily delivered by SC.
EG - filling potholes less than 40mm deep and clearing gullies more regularly.
It is down to individual parish councils to decide if they wish to take up the scheme at a local level.
There are two levels -
Routine maintenance - pothole repairs, grass cutting, sign-cleaning etc.
Specialist services - gulley emptying, ditching, surface water drainage jetting (bespoke service as needed).
Cost - Daily rate £684.71 - routine maintenance - for a team of staff and tools required.
Eight hour day includes travel time (depots at Dunball and Glastonbury).
A quote will be given.
A half-day rate is available. Road closures incur extra cost.
Specialist Services are dependent on work to be done and is individual to the parish in most cases.
e.g. Gulley cleaning costs £1400 a day but up to 100 gullies can be cleared in a day.
Cost must be paid before work commences, the justification being preparation work beforehand.
Parishes can use other contractors if they can achieve better value for money, have the relevant training and insurance.
Kier does not have to be contracted for a set period of time.
Somerset Council's statutory highways services: Potholes at 40mm depth, gullies on a clearance schedule of annual, bi-annual, 4 yearly or ad-hoc (based on flood risk) and type of road/area.
Detail of the level of service/maintenance SC will continue to provide is unclear and has not been provided at parish level - likely because central government have not confirmed local authority budgets. This is making setting a Precept to account for local delivery of highway maintenance difficult.
It was suggested raising precepts as much as possible, below the 15% level, to deal with any upcoming changes.
Next Highways Working Group meeting - February 2025, date to be announced.
Somerset Council - Councillor Report for Mendip South - December 2024.
Kier dealt with 644 reports of road incidents across Somerset during and after Storm Bert. More than 200 trees were removed, flood water dealt with and specialist clear-up after a diesel spill from an overturned lorry.
'Heart of Wessex' Report - as above.
Proposed changes to Council Tax Scheme.
SC is bringing forward proposals which protect its 100% Council Tax discount for working-age residents on the lowest incomes, whilst making savings to help balance next year's balance.
In November 2023 SC agreed to a review of CTR for 2025/6. The proposed changes are only for working-age adults on lower incomes. Support for pensioners will not be affected as it is mandated by Government.
Revised proposals include continuing the current system of exempting certain income such as disability benefits, carers allowance and child benefit as well as the first £25 of employment income from the income calculations, retaining the policy of providing a discount to care leavers, foster carers and special guardians (but funding it from the Exceptional Hardship scheme).
Reducing the discount by £10 per week for each non-dependent adult living in a property. limiting the discount available to the maximum available for a Band D property, reducing the period of back-dating claims to one calendar month.
There will be improved Council payment systems (24 Hour, 7 days a week, phone/on line) for Council Tax, Business Rates, Housing and garage rents and Parking Fines. Other ways to pay are by Direct Debits, Standing Orders, bank transfers, by visiting a Pay Point or Post Office.
Slinky Service - Bus service - register on line to start to use the bus for shopping, visit friends and family, get to college, social clubs or access medical appointments or call 01749 880482 for the Mendip Area.
Social Needs Information:-
Somerset Household Support Fund, Food Support for families in Somerset, Food Banks (, Our libraries (, Pension Credit, #Help-4-All(
There is a Winter Coat Exchange for Somerset at local libraries.
ROAD CLOSURE - ttro 946597E - Whitstone Hill, Pilton, 5th January 2025 to last for 5 days 08.00 to 17.00 Hrs - Sunday working only. Highway to be clear all other times to enable National Grid to carry out pole replacement and tree cutting works.
Planning - Notification only - Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development/Barn at Kestrels Farm/Down Lane/Planning Ref 2024/2077/PAA..
Highways Matters.
Report large pothole between Farthings Farm and The Owls, Scotts Lane and Missing grating on the road by Piltown Farm left hand side heading towards Glastonbury, A361.
Mention also to be made of the work paid for by landowner(s) at Coxbridge to have Coxbridge Brook dredged. During most recent heavy rainfall No flooding occurred as had previously.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.
West Pennard Parish Council wish all A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy 2025.