Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), M. Colman (Vice Chair), M. Heal and 4 parishoners.

Apologies:  D. Creed, A. Creed, J. Gane, T. Holley.

There were Nil Declarations of interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-time.

Ashcombe Park/Grove Development for 68 static homes.

One parishoner reported having attended Pilton Parish Council to make them aware of the situation and has also written an article for Somersetlive -

Clerk reported having informed Pilton Parish Council Somerset Council Planning have been requested to review the case and that Enforcement are looking into the advertising hoarding.

Two parishoners re Planning to be discussed at this meeting - Addition of first floor onto existing annexe;  alterations to the house and construction of a new terrace/The Grange/Newtown Lane/Planning Ref 2023/2059/HSE.

This a revision of an original scheme which is smaller and less imposing to add one bedroom and one bathroom and to create a link to the original property to use as an extra necessary bedroom for their children.

One objector present who complained a window on the end overlooks his window and he suggested they move the bathroom to the end and put a frosted window.

They explained this was not possible. The window involved is a bedroom window and it would be inappropriate to frost the glass.  It also look out on the complainant's driveway.

It was also noted the complainant's wall measures 2,9m and should be 2.1m

Councillors suggested the applicant request a site meeting with the planning officer to clarify any issues.

Parishoners left the meeting.

Correspondence circulated.

TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE:  ttro2548OE - SRM - Prestleigh Hill, 27th November for 11 evenings Reconstruction  of the highway.

Finance;  One cheque drawn for £20.00 R.B.L. Poppy Wreath -  which parish councillor A. Creed laid on behalf of the Parish Council on Remembrance Sunday.

Planning - as above.

Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval in principle but would request planning officer has an on site meeting with regard to any window issues as to privacy and overlooking before any decision is made.

Clerk to chase up previous planning queries with enforcement.

Setting of meetings.

Clerk will discuss setting regular set monthly meetings at next meeting.

N.B.  Time scale for deliberating planning applications has decreased from 21 days to 10 since the advent of Somerset Council which is not workable in the long-term - bearing in mind parish councillors work unpaid and bring a wealth of professional and local knowledge to the table.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.