Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), M. Colman (Vice Chair), D. Creed, A. Creed, M. Heal and two parishoners.

Apologies:  J. Gane , T. Holley and Somerset Council Councillor C. Sully (attending another meeting).

Declarations of Interest:  M. Heal.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-time incorporating matters arising from last minutes and correspondence.

As per last Minutes update re query as to Planning Re Ashcombe Grove/Bungalow Lifestyle/A361/Steanbow relating to advertising of 68 static homes for permanent living.

Letters of objections from parishoners and correspondence with the Enforcement officer and manager of planning and enforcement were circulated.

Somerset Council officers J. Alvis, (Planning Officer), S. Trafford  (Development Management and Planning Enforcement) (East) and A. Dearing  (Enforcement Officer) declined to attend the meeting.

Planning Manager S. Trafford reported he is 'awaiting to review the scope of the Site Licence which is not a matter that was managed by his team before he can provide any further advice to that provided by A. Dearing' (Enforcement Officer).  He will inform clerk when he has completed this review.

As per email (Correspondence) A. Dearing reported Planning issued a Certificate of Lawful Use to Ashcombe Farm to permit camping and caravanning within the area marked red on application form.

A CLEUD is a legal test not a planning judgment based on the examination and application of planning policy.

In this instance the only test  is whether the land edged in red has been used for caravanning and camping for ten or more years without the benefit of planning permission and is therefore immune from enforcement.

The Planning Officer after reading the applicants' evidence was satisfied on the balance of probability this use had indeed occurred for ten or more years resulting in the certificate being approved.

In this instance the certificate wording contains no restrictions, the wording being the use of the 'land as a caravan and camping site'.

While Mr Dearing had hoped to rely on an intensification argument as the applicant's affadavits referenced far more modest caravan/mobile home numbers the certificate permits the use as described with no controls and therefore the intensification argument falls away.

Residents have queried why Environmental Health have issued a site licence for up to 68 caravans on the land which could be used for full-time residents occupation.

As the certificate wording described a caravan/camping site they could lawfully apply for a Caravan Sites Licence.

In conclusion the current use is lawful along with any permitted development allowed under Class 5 of The General Permitted Development Order  (Caravanning and Camping).

Further to the level of advertising Mr Dearing has sent photos to the agent stating it does seem excessive for the locality and that the Parish Council are raising amenity and highway concerns.

He has also contacted Somerset Council Cllr Claire Sully who states that what interests her 'is that with more recent planning applications, not on this scale, they were refused because of the impact on sustainable transport and the environment'.  She has asked the council if they can impose any restrictions on numbers if there are harms to the environment and to review this.

Two parishoners present stated they will continue to pursue the matter and will report at next meeting.


Change of use from agricultural land to site one self-build shepherds hut for letting purposes (retrospective)/Combe Hill Farm/Stickleball Lane/Planning Ref 2023/1834/FUL.

Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.

Parish Councillor comments:  This does not affect anyone and is very well kept.

Comment by email from P. Cllr T. Holley - No objection in principle, to consider if there are any privacy issues and if the majority recommend approval for it to be with the provisio that drainage/phosphate issues are dealt with accordingly.

Highways matters:

Clerk has reported road issues in Page Lane and requested a Police Speed check on the A361 through West Pennard as per previous minutes.

Poppy Wreath - A. Creed offered to present the Parish Council Poppy Wreath on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the village.

Next meeting Monday 13th November 2023.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.