Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), J. Gane, D. Creed, M. Heal, A.Creed and five parishoners.

Apologies:  T. Holley.

Minutes of the last Annual meeting were approved and signed.

Election of Chair.

It was proposed by A. Creed, seconded by J. Gane and passed that G. Willcox be re-elected as Chair.

G. Willcox signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office book.

Chairman's Report 2023-24.

From January 2023 through to and including this evening West Pennard Parish Council has debated 16 planning applications.

The Parish Council has funded and instigated the removal and refurbishment of two Iron signposts in the village - they look brand-new and are a credit to our village.  Our thanks to councillors past and present - retired Cllr P. Gurl and Cllr A. Creed.

We now also have the wig wag signage for the school through Newtown Lane.

At our February meeting we said goodbye  and our hearty thanks to retiring councillor Marion Colman who has served the village for 21 unstinting years.  The occasion was met with 'a bit of a do' after for Marion which was very well deserved!

Marion continues her work as school governor for West Pennard Primary School.

We continue to support West Pennard Village Hall and the Parochial Church Council by way of donations for upkeep of the village hall and use of for our monthly meetings (second mondays of the month) and Upkeep of the Churchyard.

I would very much like to thank my fellow parish councillors for their unfailing assistance and for turning-out at our monthly meetings throughout the year.

As always our work remains 'for the good of the village'.

Villagers are actively encouraged (and indeed invited, as per our Notices of Meetings) to also attend and take part through 'Public Speaking-time'.

The Parish Council would like to encourage fresh young minds to attend with perhaps taking a view to going a step further and consider becoming a parish councillor. We look forward to seeing you.

All Notices of Meetings with Agendas and Minutes may be found at and at the village hall on the noticeboard to the left of the front entrance.

G. F. Willcox (Chair).


The Accounts and AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) were presented for inspection.

Appointment of new Internal Auditor - Mr J. Norris.

Dr J. Matthews is currently in hospital.

A card was signed for by councillors present for him.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.