Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), J. Gane, M. Colman (Vice Chair), D. Creed, T. Holley, A. Creed and 4 parishoners.

Apologies:  M. Heal.

The Chair welcomed all present.

There were Nil Declarations of Interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-time.

Concerns expressed re 2 roof windows at the new development at Sunrays, Newtown Lane causing concern for those living in close proximity as to privacy issues when using their upper rooms.  These windows do not appear to have been included in the original planning application -  Planning Ref 2022/0216/HSE.  It has to be noted the same was recommend refusal by the parish council on the grounds that it was 'totally out of keeping' and too close to neighbouring properties' but was subsequently passed by MDC.

It was further noted the building-line has been pushed forward and a double garage has been built right underneath the Oak Tree which has a TPO on it.

Matter to be referred to One Somerset Planning Dept.

2 parishoners left the meeting followed by Cllr Holley at 20.10.  Cllr Holley returned at 20.20 Hrs.

Wig-Wag Signs for the school.

Complaint raised by 2 parishoners requesting the re-siting of the Breach Lane sign to adjacent to the 30MPH sign.

The Parish Council thought this to be inappropriate.

Cllr Holley thought re-siting the sign there would be very confusing and that it is too late to remove/relocate signage so it is this or nothing.

As it stands, as per email from One Somerset, that based on the current situation any future requests will need to be considered with other funding and therefore the village could lose the signing altogether.

Cllr D. Creed felt most strongly the signage should remain,  reminding all present this is for the safety of the children,  echoed by Cllr Colman.

Councillors decided in the majority to retain the signs as they are, Child safety at school times being paramount.

Cllr Collman reported having attended a school meeting and the school are delighted with the new signage.

One Somerset to be informed accordingly.

Matters arising from the last minutes.

As per concerns raised at the last meeting as to advertising boards erected and plan to site 40 static caravans at Ashcombe Farm for permanent living,  an email from the planning officer, One Somerset has confirmed a Certificate of Lawful Use (CLE) for the use of the field as a caravan site under 2021/2247/CLE.  These types of applications arent the same as a full planning application and the applicants only need to demonstrate that the land has been used as such for a period of at least 10 years.  As such the applicant successfully demonstrated that the land has been in such a use, through aerial images and personal statements which was sufficient to issue the certificate as a lawful caravan site (more information on how these types of applications work can be found on the officer report).  One Somerset are unable to add conditions to these types of applications and as such unable to control the types of caravans stationed on site. The parish council's concerns have been passed on to the enforcement team.

The Parish Council felt the latest reply to be unsatisfactory as the development is for permanent park homes where people would be living there all the time.   Issues such as effluent and phosphate issues need to be addressed.

This to be brought to the attention of the planning officer.

Correspondence - Reading file circulated.

LCN Meeting (hybrid) will be on 9th October.

No agenda or venue yet.


1.  Cheque drawn for £280.00. Murfdog, Cost of Annual web hosting, support and domain, registration and firewall security plus additions to website.

2.  Cheque drawn for £1,638.00, Somerset Forge Ltd - refurbishment of finger posts.

All present thought the work excellent.

Thanks to Cllr A. Creed for implementing this.

Highways - Report of potholes, Bradley Way - Cllr Holley has taken photos of same.

He will forward them to the clerk who will then forward to One Somerset highways.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.