Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), M. Colman (Vice Chair), M. Heal, J. Gane, A. Creed, T. Holley and four parishoners.

Apologies:  D. Creed.

There were Nil Declarations of Interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-time.

Concerns raised re ongoing promotion of and advertised selling of Mobile Homes for permanent living, Ashcombe Farm (advertised as Ashcombe Grove).  The Parish Council were given a printed map of the intended permanent Mobile Homes and numbers (numbering 68) which parishoners obtained from the sellers' website.

Concerns expressed re the very obvious increase in vehicles it would ultimately incur and the grave concerns for sewerage disposal/phosphate levels therein.  Letter from Planning Enforcement whereby it is in the public interest for the officers to investigate the matter to prove the intensification of the existing permitted use.

Also reported next to the site above are two permanent mobile homes currently being lived-in and signs of refuse collection bins in a paddock belonging to Mr R. Rayner.

There would not appear to be any planning applications to support this.

Information to be relayed to Planning Enforcement.

Those present felt most strongly if the matters were not dealt with and promptly the situation will continue to grow and cause numerous problems in the future

Concerns re Rooflights (2) North Elevation/Sunrays.

Clerk reported Planning Enforcement has confirmed they do not  meet the requirements of permitted development (Email 02.10.23).

Concerns for invasion of privacy to neighbours when using upstairs rooms and bathrooms.  The matter continues to cause anxiety to them. 

It was noted a planning application has been presented for this evening and was strongly suggested said rooflights should be non-opening and opaque. and that the current planning application should be refused, for all the above reasons.

Further complaint raised re TPO on Oak Tree in neighbouring garden and the effect the erection of a large garage and it's foundation would have on the tree roots with potential damage in the future to other properties.

Complainant is pursuing the matter further.

Councillor T. Holley gave the opinion the foundation is a raft foundation.

Complainants were further advised should they feel people are pointedly observing them then it should possibly be referred to the Police. 

Further information that one part of the house will be used as an air BNB and that one of two Shepherds Huts for the same purpose is in situ in the garden will be referred to Enforcement Control.

This has given residents further angst as the situation of being overlooked will increase somewhat as will traffic flow into an already congested Newtown Lane.  There is also the question of sewerage disposal to be considered.

Query as to whether the Parish Council has received any Planning Applications pertaining to Piltown Farm and the Erection of Ticket Office, Railway Gates etc with the intention to have a restaurant.

Matter to be raised with Planning Enforcement.

Matters arising:-

Wigwag signage in Newtown Lane has been reported as not working.  Councillors will check to see if the matter has been resolved.

Four parishoners left the meeting.


Notice of the following temporary road closures.

1.  Southtown Lane 14.10.23 - 17.10.23 (Cabling Works).

2.  West Bradley Lane,  West Bradley 27.10.23 09.30 to 15.30 (replace a pole/OpenReach).

3.  Newtown Lane 1st November 2023 - 3rd November (Replace fire hydrant/Bristol Water.

West Pennard School has been informed and these Notices have been advertised.


Bank statement presented £5,114.03.

One Cheque drawn £211.80, Somerset Association of Local Councils.


1.  Two Bay Garage and workshop/Old Orchard House/Southtown Lane/Planning Ref 2023/1874/HSE - Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.

2.  Installation of 2 No. Roof lights to north west elevation (retrospective)/Sunrays/Newtown Lane/Planning Ref 2023/1924/HSE - Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Refusal.

Due to the lack of privacy afforded by clear and openable windows the roof lights are causing significant angst to the complainants present at the this evening's meeting.  The rules regarding windows that face other properties are there at least in part to protect privacy.  Whether someone is being deliberately or inadvertently overlooked is not the business of the council but the council feel strongly that the ability to do so should be prevented where possible.

It has been found by Planning Enforcement the roof lights do not meet the requirements of permitted development but are nevertheless in situ.

It should at the very least be the requirement they should be obscurely glazed and non opening by fixing the casements to ensure they cannot be opened.

Date of next meeting Monday 30th October 2023, 8.00pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.